Books & Resources
National Animal Interest Alliance
OFA - The Canine Health Information Center
The Neapolitan Mastiff, by Joseph Attaway
Recommended Reading​
Neapolitan Mastiff, by Robert Gravel and Gonnie Schaffer
The Official Book Of The Neapolitan Mastiff, Second Edition, by Sherilynn Allen VMD
The Neapolitan Mastiff, by Mario Zacchi (Out of Print)
Le Matin Nappolitain, by Jean-Pierre Beck
Neapolitan Mastiff, by Carol Paulsen
The Complete Dog Book/20th Edition, by THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB
An Eye For A Dog, by Robert W. Cole
The Science and Techniques of Judging Dogs, by Robert J. Berndt
Ultimate Book of Mastiff Breeds by Oliff
Born To Win, by Patricia Craig Trotter
Breeding A Litter, by Beth J. Finder Harris
Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs & Cats, by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PHD, and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
Better Food for Dogs, by David Bastin, Jennifer Ashton and Dr. Grant Nixon, D.V.M.
Give Your Dog a Bone: The Practical Commonsense Way to Feed Dogs For A Healthy Life , by Ian Billinghurst
Food Pets Die For, by Ann M. Martin
Dog Problems, by David Weston & Ruth Ross
Why Does My Dog Act That way?, by Stanley Coren
How To Speak Dog, by Stanley Coren
The Good, The Bad, and the Furry by Sam Stall
Before and After Getting Your Puppy: The Positive Approach to Raising a Healthy Happy, Well-Behaved Dog, by Ian Dunbar
The Dog Who Loved too Much: Tale, Treatments, and the Psychology of Dogs, by Nicholas Dodman
The Koehler Method of Dog Training by William Koehler
The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
The U.C. Davis Book of Dogs Medical Reference, edited by Mordecai Siegel