2013 National Specialty Results
September 21, 2013​
Purina Farms
Gray Summit, MO
National: Gonnie Schaffer ​
Supported Entry:
National Entry:
35 Ent (22d - 13b)
Best of Breed
GCH CH Ironwood's Papparrazi (D) S Van-Spruill/J Deppen
Best of Opposite Sex
Munoz's Apholonia CMunoz/P Munoz
Select Dog
CH Ironwood's Marcelo Roman Luciano S Vann-Spruill
Select Bitch
Best of Winners
Munoz's Apholonia CMunoz/P Munoz
Winners Dog
Artu Patrizio Italia (Itly) J Wolf DVM/T Gurrola
Reserve Winners Dog
Mastino Templar Ravage R Hosking/A Hosking
Winners Bitch
Munoz's Apholonia CMunoz/P Munoz
Reserve Winners Bitch
Antica De La Bahia A Lozano
Best Bred By Exhibitor
Ironwood's Lit'l John Del Gambino J Deppen
Best Puppy
Cowlane Throw Me Something Mister A Pierret
Puppy 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos.
1 Cowlane Going To The Mardi Gras A Pierret
12-18 Mos.
1 Cinciripini's Marcelo A Lozano
2 Ramiro L Moles
3 Durango Segundo (Mexico) T Ames
4 Amazing Love's Locked And Loaded L Hershberger/S Deans
Ex Prince Alexander Bouillon K Bouillon
Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs
1 Ironwood's Lit'l John Del Gambino J Deppen
American-Bred Dogs
1 Velo De Bluhouse J Attaway/D White/R White
2 Atticus Mare Nostrum B Goetz/A Goetz
Open Dogs
1 Artu Patrizio Italia (Italy) J Wolfe DVM/T Gurrola
2 Mastino Templar Ravage R Hosking/A Hosking
3 Wild Childs PurPaws D'Addio D Priester
Veteran Dogs
1 GrCH Ironwood's Marcelo Roman Luciano S Vann-Spruill
Puppy 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos.
1 Cowlane Throw Me Something Mister A Pierret
12-18 Mos.
1 Otellas Ghaliya Del Noir D Priester
2 Dalia Del Tutore A Lozano
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches
1 Centurian Mastini Carolina Dreamin' A Goetz/B Goetz
2 Mastini Della Forte's Carpathia A Gurrola
3 Amazing Love's Miss Penelope L Hershberger
4 Corrado's Sorry For The Party Rockin' With Maximum C Defur/M McElyea
American-Bred Bitches
1 Munoz's Apholonia C Munoz/P Munoz
Open Bitches
1 Munoz's Apholonia C Munoz/P Munoz
2 Antica De La Bahia A Lozano
3 Karen Patrizio Italia L Moles
4 Otella Domina J Wolf DVM

Best of Breed
GCH CH Ironwood's Papparrazi
Owners: James Deppen/Susan Vann-Spruill

Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners
CH Munoz's Apholonia
Owners: Carlos & Paula Munoz

Winners Dog
Artu Patrizio Italia
Owners: Janice Wolf DVM/Tony Gurrola
Reserve Winners Dog
Mastino Templar Ravage
Owners: Rachel Hosking/Alexandria Hosking

Best Puppy
Cowlane Throw Me Something Mister
Owners: Alaina Pierret