2012 National Specialty Results
September 2012​
Purina Farms
Gray Summit, MO
National: Andrea Spiriev (Hungary)
National Entry:
33 Ent (21d - 12b)
Best of Breed
GCH CH Ironwood's Marcelo Roman Luciano (D) S Vann-Spruill
Best of Opposite Sex
Curramba Di Cesare (B) C Perdomo/M Lebolo
Select Dog
GCH CH Ironwood's Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill
Select Bitch
CH Otella Brutessa J Wolf
Best of Winners
Maximum's Morocco (D) M Aaron-Mcelyea
Winners Dog
Maximum's Morocco M Aaron-Mcelyea
Reserve Winner Dog
Royal Girard Della Vecchia Roma D Priester
Winners Bitch
Curramba Di Cesare C Perdomo/M Lebolo
Reserve Winner Bitch
Principessa Fiona's Dolce Baci Di Renaissance C Parish
Best Bred By Exhibitor
Maximum's Morocco M Aaron-Mcelyea
Best Puppy
Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos.
1 Ironwood's Gandalf The Grey C McCloskey
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos.
1 Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret
2 Molosser Farms Angelo J Thornton/R Jacobsen
3 Hercules Alexander Bouillon Nbk K Bouillon
12 - 18 Mos.
1 Mastini Della Forte's Brixius A Gurrola
2 Artu' Patrizio Italia J Wolf
3 King Gigi Of The Oaks T Hood/L Moles
4 Della Fortes Nero Tiberius Trejo K TREJO/J TREJO
1 Prince Alexander Bouillon Nbkmm Acer K Bouillon
Bred By Exhibitor
1 Maximum's Morocco M Aaron-Mcelyea
2 Mastini Della Forte's Brigante A Gurrola
American Bred
1 Royal Girard Della Vecchia Roma D Priester
1 Wild Child Golden Gargoyle D Preister/N Means
2 Mastino Templar Ravage R Hosking/A Hosking
3 Omar Patrizio Italia L Moles
4 Old World Primulus L Caban
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos.
1 Bluanarchia's Willow T Ames
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos.
1 Tall Timber's Skyoni Prime H Haulk/T King
12 - 18 Mos.
1 Otella Domina J Wolf
Bred By Exhibitor
1 Mastini Della Forte's Bellona A Gurrola
American Bred
1 Corrado's Vera Amore Del Bueno C DeFur
2 Princess Roxana Bouillon Nbkmm K Bouillon
Amateur Owner Handler
1 Karen Patrizio Italia L Moles
1 Curramba Di Cesare C Perdomo/M Lebolo
2 Principessa Fiona's Dolce Baci Di Renaissance C Parish
3 Il Drago Quinta S Subler
Best of Breed
GCH CH Ironwood's Marcelo Roman Luciano
Owners: Susan Vann-Spruill
Best of Opposite Sex
Curramba De Cesar
Owners: Cesar Perdomo/M Lebolo
Winners Dog, Best of Winners
Maximum's Morocco
Owner: Melinda Aaron-Mcelyea
Reserve Winners Dog
Royal Girard Della Vecchia Roma
Owners: Deborah Priester
Best Puppy
Cassio Del Gheno
Owners: Alaina Pierret